COVID 19 - Teleworking as a response to business disruption

• We are conviced that teleworking is one of the best answer to business continuity
• Nowadays, several technical solutions are available to sustain teleworking
• Corporate governance needs to be adjusted in order to take into account the Teleworking risks

Covid-19: Teleworking as a response to the business disruption 
• We are conviced that teleworking is one of the best answers to business continuity
• Nowadays, several technical solutions are available to sustain teleworking
• Corporate governance needs to be adjusted in order to take into account the Teleworking risks

Teleworking and the cyber security risks 
Even though Teleworking appears to be the right way to pursue activities, companies must be aware of the main risks to manage accordingly.

The most relevant information security risks were detailed during our webinar which held on April 17th 2020.
The presentation can be downloaded below.

